A Naturecentric Spiritual Sanctuary in the Heart of the Pacific NW.
At Erosia Land Sanctuary we...
Listen to the Land in the creation of camp sites and places for people to come and be in Nature, to forest bathe and relax in a peaceful Natural Setting, held as sacred.
Create events honoring the Natural Cycle within the Wheel of the Year, the Solstices, Equinoxes and Sabbats. We gather our friends and relations together to nurture and establish a community of healing, accepting and honoring of diversity, and are welcoming to "neuro-spicy" types!
Advocate the healing of our relationships with each other, our selves, our communities and the Earth, through the promotion of healthy, interfaith, nature-centered spirituality.
Grapple with concerns of marginalized populations and Nature-Centered spiritual practice through promotion of dialogue and education with classes, retreats, workshops and festivals on Land held as sacred with our association, the Tree of Life Interfaith Sanctuary (the TOLIS).
Are a safe space for individuals, families and groups to celebrate and worship outside or inside with our Lover, Creator Earth.
Promote and encourage expressions of Spirit through various forms of art and are a spiritual garden, nurturing budding artists to explore their deepest path through Teachings and Practical Work in the shops and studio spaces we hold as sacred.